[ExI] Spring Time on Neptune- WTF?

The Avantguardian avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 24 22:53:02 UTC 2008

Amara, tell me I am crazy for thinking that those green bands around
Neptune's southern pole might be some bizarre extremophillic algal or
cyanobacterial bloom?

I mean its got water, ammonia, methane, and down far enough it even has
heat. Might there not be a layer where the temperature and pressure are
sufficiently balanced to allow liquid water to form?   What is there in
the atmosphere that might be green? And why is Neptune bluer than
Uranus? Could it be a liquid water phase? There is even a methane green
house gas effect occuring in the southern hemisphere according to

Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu

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