[ExI] META: Overposting

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Mar 25 00:51:47 UTC 2008


> On Behalf Of BillK
> Subject: Re: [ExI] META: Overposting
> >
> >  http://heybryan.org/stats/2008-03-23-extropy-chat.html
> >
> >  People who have written most messages:   Author          
> Msg     Percent
> >  1       spike66 at att.net 348     6.64 %
> Quick! Call the moderator!
> Oh-oh.  He *is* the moderator.     ;)
> BillK

BillK!  I demand a discount, since some of my posts were posts scolding you
guys for overposting!  Those shouldn't count.  Since I am only two posts
ahead of Lee (well, OK, three now) I have made at least (I think) three or
four posts about overposting, then that puts him in the seat of dishonor.


You see why I so seldom post about overposting.  What really gets my goat as
a moderator is those who post stuff that shows they don't understand the
Extropian principles.  I suggest everyone who posts here check that out if
you haven't already.  


If one posts smart stuff, entertaining, cool, significant, interesting, etc,
no one will complain over a few extras.  If otherwise, they will start
complaining before you hit the big numbers, as has happened recently.  So do
post smart stuff, thanks.



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