[ExI] Fear of Death

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Tue Mar 25 15:27:36 UTC 2008

I wrote: "> I said in my previews post "Nobody dies". If you mean by 
dying as the
> irreversible loss of consciousness per se, no."  I have no fear of 
death for thoughts and feelings are the side effects of genetic legacy 
as in memory/movement of the mind towards the past causing inattention 
to the present as here and now. We die a thousand times more or less 
within a day as the nature of memories/thoughts are ephemeral. What you 
are before or during birth is different from what you are now in macro 
scale of existence but in subatomic scale nothing dies as the law of 
the conservation of energy states.

Lee: "Nobody dies?  You are quite serious?  Surely you believe
that a bandit with a gun can kill you.  Wouldn't you find
that at least inconvenient?"

My reply: It is inconvenient as a thought.

Lee: "In your way of using words, how should the 30,000,000
who're no longer with us since the Great Leap Forward
be described?   Not as dead?"

What is the great leap forward? Is that another thought? There are many 
thoughts much more than you and I could count the sands in all the 
beaches of the world so to speak even counting those that are 
> > > Time does not exist permanently. It is all a movement of the mind.

> Lee:
> > "That is the sort of statement that should seriously, seriously,
> > be deleted upon a re-reading just before you click on "send".
> > What on Earth are your poor readers to think of such a claim???
> > Have mercy."
> My reply: Time exist as a thought so which time /thought is true?

Lee: "Your reply is yet another question.  Been hitting the Zen bottle, 
But your "Time does not exist permanently" is seriously funny!
You ought to consider putting that on your tombstone!  Is there
a passerby whose grave aspect would not at least for a moment
be lightened by such?  W.C. Fields move over.

I don't cling to your idea of Zen. Thoughts exist for a time being 
before another thought comes along. What's in a thought/a name? Even 
language changes in time for we are time/change itself.

Terry { just a thought}

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