[ExI] America: Home of All Evil

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at insightbb.com
Tue Mar 25 17:57:53 UTC 2008

> Contrast the world's attitude towards America with the world's
> attitude towards the EU: just as rich (indeed, richer if GDP is the
> measure of wealth, and the Euro may overtake the dollar as the world's
> reserve currency), just as culturally dominant (even if you only
> consider the extent to which American culture is transplanted European
> culture), just as arrogant (ask a Frenchman or a Greek about the
> significance of his country in the history of the world). And yet,
> resentment of European countries around the world is often in
> proportion to how easily those countries can be lumped together with
> America, culturally or in the degree to which they support American
> foreign policy decisions.
Those with little power always resent those with more power. This is 
normal. If the US disappeared, someone else would become the "most" 
powerful nation and they would then become the object of disdain. Before 
the US it was Germany, and Russia, and the British and the French, and 
so it goes on. One day someone else will take the reigns - and they can 
be hated just the same.
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