[ExI] What Monitors the Singularity?

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at insightbb.com
Tue Mar 25 17:59:49 UTC 2008

citta437 at aol.com wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong ,according to the Institute of Artificial 
> Intelligence, superintelligence is a self-monitoring device. Evolution 
> is too slow at the rate it takes for human intelligence to evolve from 
> the apes to where it is now.
> So with the aid of nanotechnology we can speed up the growth of human 
> intelligence. Agreed.
> All of us have a potential to grow/start a singularity. Those who fear 
> the future or cling to the past suppress/inhibit their potentiality. 
> Their pattern of thinking is based on genetic predisposition towards 
> self preservation of the species.
> A superintelligence can predict the future to the effect of overcoming 
> the genetic legacy by starting now.
> 1.Practice awareness of the changing nature of genes and culture/memes.
> 2. Integration of scientific and technological advances.
> 3. Both of the above
> Terry
I believe Frank Herbert already covered this......

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