[ExI] "Realistic" Scenario for Nanotech Repair of the Frozen Human Brain

citta437 at aol.com citta437 at aol.com
Thu Mar 27 00:51:45 UTC 2008

Reprinted from Cryonics Alcor Life ExtensionFoundation

"Once the patient has been restored to a state approaching perfect 
physical health, consciousness is restored."

Summary and Conclusion

A "realistic" scenario for the repair of the frozen brain is proposed. 
It is based on the specific details of freezing injury and on the 
natural resistance of most cellular constituents to freezing damage, as 
well as on the natural self-assembly and self-repair of living cells. 
It avoids the need for performing chemical reactions below the glass 
transition temperature while at the same time avoiding the problems of 
diffusive information loss on warming. Although each step has not yet 
been subjected to thorough analysis, each is concrete and based on 
known fact. The scenario is fully open to criticism, testing, and 
refinement. It thus could serve as a basis for future discussions of 
the feasibility of moderate approaches to the restoration of those 
frozen by today's technology.


This scenario is predicated on many assumptions--such as the assumption 
of adequate preservation by current technology-that may be false. This 
scenario does not prove that cryonics can or will succeed. It may, 
however, facilitate discussion of that possibility."


The article is too long to post the complete details of the procedure 
to repair a human brain. What I want to know why it was not done on a 
monkey's brain first since Alcor started the experiment on organ cells 
for decades?

Usually experiments are done on guinea pigs first and then if the 
experiment is a success the media would announce it to the public but I 
have not heard anything yet so does it mean the experiment was not a 


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