[ExI] Yes Sam Harris Can

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Mar 27 02:32:23 UTC 2008

On Behalf Of Kevin Freels

... The best example I could give would be someone here running for
president and deciding to withdraw from here entirely because of some of
Robert Bradbury's posts. (Where has he been by the way?) ...

Robert is alive and well, altho he hasn't been posting for a while.  He is
living in Massachusetts.  I heard from him about three weeks ago.

I hate to admit it, but if one is running for president, it probably
wouldn't be good to be seen with us.  Mainstream humanity just isn't yet
ready for a lot of the kinds of things that are posted here.  You know some
yahoo would find my legless female astronaut posts from the 90s, then you
might as well admit you will never live on Pennsylvania Avenue just from
hanging out with me.


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