[ExI] Space Elevator (Going Down)

Kevin Freels kevinfreels at insightbb.com
Thu Mar 27 04:11:31 UTC 2008

Sorry if I missed the obvious, but are you referring to something 
similar to a canon? A long tunnel dug into the ground stuffed with a 
projectile and a nuke behind it?

Gary Miller wrote:
> Bryan asked:
>>> Has anybody considered the idea of blowing up the planet?
> My Response:
> Yes, but only on a small basis.
> 1. Go to an existing (already polluted) underground Atomic test site.
> 2. Plant geothermal generators in the desert (molten salt?)
> 3. Drill a central shaft and detonate an underground nuclear device deep
> enough to prevent
>    further topside irradiation.
> 4. Use the geothermal generators to mine the heat from underground magma
> ball created by the blast
> converting it to electricity.
> 5. When power levels begin to drop repeat step 3 as required.
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