[ExI] Sustainable Medicine

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 13:44:11 UTC 2008

On Thursday 27 March 2008, Stefano Vaj wrote:
> But regenerative medicine does not solve all the problems that will
> ensue. These problems will be socio-political, but perhaps more of a
> worldwide issue of distribution, as Buckminister so often wrote and
> spoke about.

Is it really an issue of distribution? Given the material resources, all 
you need is the information, and information diffusion has been 
successfully demonstrated with the advent of the internet. The material 
resources are mostly abundant, but there are restrictions, perhaps we 
can throw in some focus on (asteroid?) mining? I have been 
contemplating using bacteria to mine asteroids for precious metals and 
minerals, there's little stopping us. And we'd be able to significantly 
increase the amount of available 'rare' elements per person, especially 
if we catch a large rock into an orbital path directly above us. 

(only called a 'moon' tank because that's the first thought I had)

- Bryan

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