[ExI] Transgender man is pregnant

John Winters ferox314 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 06:10:06 UTC 2008

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:36 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

>  Amara, forgive me for being pessimistic, but I have suspected since this
>  first hit the headlines that this whole thing is a hoax.  Possibly my view
>  is jaded from having gone thru 11 years of fertility treatments, learning
>  how tweaky is the reproductive system, the hormone balances so critical,
>  timing, etc, it is amazing it ever works.  I didn't say anything when this
>  first came out, and I could be wrong of course (I hope so.)

Funny how if a woman takes more estrogen, she loses her period, and if
a man takes more testosterone, he can ascend his testicles.  Hormones,
inter alia, illustrate how life is about balance.


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