[ExI] powersats

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 11:44:45 UTC 2008

On Friday 28 March 2008, Keith Henson wrote:
> Brian, this is just getting the physics wrong.  Long ago there might
> have been an excuse, but not with the net.  It is impossible to get
> oxygen to the liquid state with pressure alone, the critical
> temperature is about -118.6 deg C.  And people do make it cheap, less
> than 25 cents a liter.

It was my understanding that the gas laws still apply.

PV = nRT (the *ideal* gas law)

> Fueling the rockets with electrolytic hydrogen is the only reasonable
> approach for a really large capacity lift, so while you still have to
> make it into a liquid, it come off as a no cost byproduct of making
> hydrogen.

Maybe the same fractional distillation method can be used to get H?

- Bryan

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