[ExI] Arthur C. Clarke dies

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Mar 30 01:41:04 UTC 2008


> ...On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
> ... 

> Sir Arthur liked showing people pictures of him taken with 
> the Pope or US President or Russian astronaut du jour, or 
> Werner von Braun, like that. Me, I like showing quotes with 
> me and him...

Pope schmope.  President, bah (altho a picture with Reagan would be pretty
cool.)  Commie astronaut, dime a dozen.

> developed in great detail by such writers as Eric Drexler 
> (The Engines of Creation, 1986) and Damien Broderick (The 
> Spike, 1997). Damien's book will serve as a more imaginative 
> sequel to the one you are reading now.'
> ...

Damien, had I been favorably compared to Clarke and the K. Eric, I would
fall prostrate in worship of myself.

Thanks for staying human.  {8-]


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