[ExI] the really important urgent issues

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Mar 30 17:11:39 UTC 2008

>...On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
>...the Boy Scouts of America against 
> "increasing attacks" from "radical homosexuals, liberal 
> extremists" and the American Civil Liberties Union...

In these increasing attacks, I would bet my money on the scouts.  

Reason: the scouts have a firearms merit badge, so a lot of them already
know how to shoot straight by age 11.  They could take up defensive
positions beforehand on an outcropping or wooded meadow, then when the
radical homosexuals and liberal extremists of the ACLU come out into the
open in one of their increasing attacks, the boys would let em have it.


My libertarian side is delighted with the current three-way mudfest between
the remaining contenders for the white house.  Since the battle is likely to
carry on for several months, including the most eggregious and insulting
personal attacks.  The US proletariat becomes ever more convinced that these
three are the worst people in America.  For that reason, eventually no one
likes any of them.  The proletariat tends to look away from the government
as their savior, creating a power vacuum which encourages every prole to
look to herself as her own savior.  This empowers the individual and weakens
the office of the presidency and congress, reducing and decentralizing its
total power, which proportionally reduces corruption.  Life is gooood.


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