[ExI] Gigideath was aboriginal humans

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Mon Mar 31 02:11:13 UTC 2008

Stefano wrote

> On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 4:18 AM, Lee Corbin <lcorbin at rawbw.com> wrote:
> > On the other hand, in case you're interested in a more logical distribution
> > of nuclear warfare potential, I have several ideas that might interest you
> > and other readers.
> > 
> > Instead of the present arrangement we could
> > 
> > (A) choose a nation at random to possess all of America's nuclear-related
> >      weapons. I suppose that there is just as good a chance of (most
> >      likely) some African nation being as or more responsible than the
> >      president of the U.S.
> > (B) the United States could donate all of its nuclear arsenal to the U.N.,
> >      although as in (A) most likely an African leader would end up in
> >      control of it. But at least it would be fair.
> > (C) go back to the cold-war (which turned out well, by the way) using
> >      the MAD principle.  So tomorrow the U.S. could just give away
> >      around half of its nuclear arsenal to, say, Russia or China.
> > 
> > Or maybe you have some ideas of how an even better distribution
> > of nuclear armaments could be devised that would be entirely
> > superior to the present arrangement.
> No, I think your ideas are good enough, even though admittedly they would
> be hard to implement face to obvious resistance from the interested party.

"Good enough"?  Then I take it that of A, B, or C above, you don't really
have much of a problem with any of them, or at least one of them? (Myself,
I don't find any of them in the least bit sensible or sane!)  But if indeed you
do affirm that they make sense to you, then *this* is what I call efficient
discussion!   Do you so affirm?

So we see immediately upon what we disagree!  Think of all the endless
confusing posts we wisely avoided.


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