[ExI] EP and Peak oil

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Mon Mar 31 03:45:09 UTC 2008

Keith had posted this very nice link:


and I had been looking for something recent. I do need to start a
collection of these doom-and-gloom reports, which have been
issued regularly at least since the 1940s. 

John Winters writes

> That transportation in the US needs to be overhauled is indisputable.
> How this will happen is yet to be determined.

That's easy.  The free market will do a great job of it, unless,
of course, we get some very bright people into positions of
power who think they know better. In which case, things indeed
will go to hell very quickly.

Remember: Malthus was simply wrong. Why?  He failed to take
changing technology into account. And what about the deer on
that idiotic island?  Not only didn't they have any technology, 
they didn't even have a market for scarce resources.

Today's doomsayers are wrong. Why?  They don't really understand
how the free market works, and how, if people will just leave it alone,
whatever alterations that need to take place will take place as
gracefully as possible.


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