[ExI] EP and Peak oil

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Mon Mar 31 22:11:31 UTC 2008

PJ writes

> BTW, Lee, in my research on government/corporate collusion, this
> behavior is the rule, not the exception.  So much for free markets.

"So much for free markets"?  Perhaps you can point out a few cases
from history where some other system worked better to "distribute
scarce resources which have alternate uses".  I really would appreciate

Damien had written 

> > (This is *not* a question about whether there have been
> > other polities or economic systems that did better.
> > Sometimes when a ship goes down *everyone* drowns,
> > even the good swimmers.)

and I did understand his concern.  However your dismissal of this
economic system really does imply that you have something better
in mind. My problem with your idealism is that unless you can
provide realistic examples from some time in the last 5000 years
of recorded human history, there may just turn out to be something
a tad impractical in your scheme.

So, PJ, given a free hand, just how would or should a replacement
for the market be devised?


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