[ExI] Lack of interest

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Sun May 18 04:43:57 UTC 2008

On Saturday 17 May 2008, Kevin H wrote:
> I'm no engineer, but if you say that orbital solar power stations
> will work, that sounds great.  I don't really have the time or the
> education to follow you on most points, but I think the main question
> is: who would be willing to fund such a project?  You're basically
> talking about something with high investment costs on an unproven
> technology.  But it sounds like a great idea, as long as you don't
> burn any buildings down by missing the receptor site.

Look, stop talking about money and just design the thing. Then build the 
thing. And if you can't, and even if you can, release the designs on 
the internet, and say that you need funding. This will make a lot of 
commotion. Funding will come, resources will come.

- Bryan

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