[ExI] Anybody else trying superstruct?

Tom Nowell nebathenemi at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Nov 9 13:53:31 UTC 2008

After seeing superstruct mentioned on Jamais Cascio's blog, I signed up the first week, made a profile, created a story, and a couple of weeks later joined a superstruct. The user interface is very clunky, and makes actually contributing anything worthwhile harder than it needs to be. I got a "ten days left!" message recently, and it listed which superstructs the "celebrity judges" think are interesting. This list demoralised me when it turned out I hadn't heard of these superstructs, except for one education one. I have discovered first-hand how easy it is to miss interesting stuff in a community of maybe six or seven hundred active participants.

Maybe they'll do a Superstruct version 2 in future years which is user friendlier and gets better participation.



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