[ExI] how to swat one of god's little creatures
emlynoregan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 04:16:16 UTC 2008
2008/8/30 spike <spike66 at att.net>:
>> ... On Behalf Of Damien Broderick
>> Subject: [ExI] how to swat one of god's little creatures
>> Scientists find the secret to swatting flies
> ...
>> "It is best not to swat at the fly's starting position, but
>> rather to aim a bit forward of that to anticipate where the
>> fly is going to jump when it first sees your swatter,"
>> suggested Dickinson.
> This is so cool, for I discovered years ago that with this anticipation
> method one can actually swat flies with one's hands, assuming one is fast.
> Try it! But I have also discovered an even better way to rid oneself of
> Luke Turdwalker. There is a common household product that isn't advertised
> as a fly killer, but that works better than any pesticide I have tried. It
> doesn't leave stains on surfaces, in fact it is used for cleaning, even
> countertops upon which one might place food, being non-toxic to humans (an
> irritant only). This marvelous product is called windex, just
> ammonia-water. One can take out a fly while in flight by spraying a cloud
> through which Turdwalker flies. It will slay the beast. Do try this and
> report back.
> spike
Yes I've done that, it works, is cool.
We have a lot of practice with flies in Oz. The method I always use is
to clap my hands together about 5cm above the fly (use the line normal
to the surface the fly is standing on), coming in from either side of
the fly (hands moving parallel to the surface / tangent to the
surface). They fly straight up. Bad idea :-)
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