[ExI] QT and SR

Stathis Papaioannou stathisp at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 11:19:04 UTC 2008

2008/9/8 scerir <scerir at libero.it>:
> Stathis:
>> But in the MWI, in one world you definitely chose A
>> and in the other you definitely chose B. It still feels
>> as if you had a "free" choice because you only experience
>> one world at a time, but that's just an illusion.
>> The distal electron will always correlate with your
>> electron, because all along it was in either the universe
>> where you made the A measurement or in the universe where
>> you made the B measurement.
> In EPR experiments there are two measurements (Alice
> performs her measurement here, Bob performs his
> measurement in a spacelike separated region). Can MWI
> say which, between Alice and Bob, performed his
> measurement first and which then? I do not think so.
> So, in the sentence "in a world *you* definitely chose A
> and in the other *you* definitely chose B" those *you*
> refer to both Alice and Bob, isn't it?

There are many Alices and Bobs all doing their own thing every which
way, but when they actually meet up, we find that their results always
correlate. It's the fact of this correlation when they meet up that
shows they are in the same world. It's tempting to add, as I did
above, that therefore they must have been in the same world all along,
but I can see on reflection that this is not meaningful while they are
spacelike separated.

Stathis Papaioannou

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