[ExI] Nine key questions about the coming Technological Singularity
estropico at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 13:36:29 UTC 2008
Nine key questions about the coming Technological Singularity
The next ExtroBritannia event is scheduled for Saturday September the
20th 2008; 2:00pm - 4:00pm. Venue: Room 539, 5th floor (via main
lift), Birkbeck College, Torrington Square, London WC1E 7HX. The event
is free and everyone's welcome.
Vernor Vinge wrote the following words in 1993, introducing the
concept of the Singularity:
"Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create
superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended".
This UKTA meeting will be a group discussion, led by David Wood, on
the following nine key questions:
1. Defining what we're talking about: What's the relation between the
various different notions of the Singularity?
2. Are there arguments in principle against the Singularity?
3. What are the lessons we should learn from what's been called "the
embarrassing history of AI"?
4. Is the Singularity a plausible occurrence within (say) the next 50 years?
5. What are the critical bottleneck determinants of development
towards the Singularity?
6. What's the likeliest timescale for the Singularity?
7. Should we be doing everything in our power to prevent the
Singularity from happening?
8. Can we influence the Singularity to make its outcome more likely to
be good for humanity rather than disastrous?
9. What are the biggest uncertainties with the Singularity?
There is no charge to attend and everyone is welcome. Join the debate!
Room 539, 5th floor (via main lift), Birkbeck College, Torrington
Square (which is a pedestrian-only square). Torrington Square is about
10 minutes walk from either Russell Square or Goodge St tube stations.
MAP: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/maps
Discussion is likely to continue after the event at "The Friend at
Hand", nearby. There's also the option of joining some of the UKTA
regulars for drinks/lunch beforehand, starting c. 12.30, in "The
Friend At Hand" pub which is situated behind Russell Square tube
station on Herbrand Street. There's also the option of joining some of
the UKTA regulars for drinks/lunch beforehand, starting c. 12.30, in
the same pub. To find us, look out for a table where there's a copy of
Aubrey de Grey's book "Ending Aging" displayed.
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