[ExI] AIG Bail out
Max More
max at maxmore.com
Thu Sep 18 15:22:17 UTC 2008
The "people" do not own 80% of AIG. The federal government (which is
NOT the people) *loaned* AIG $85 billion, to keep it going as new
management sells off its businesses. You can say, loosely, that the
government now *controls* AIG indirectly, but not that it owns it.
Unless the transition is badly botched, only part of that $85 billion
will be a cost to the taxpayers.
To add to my previous comment (barely post-waking-up): The knee-jerk
finger pointing at markets at the problem is frustrating. Yes, it's
entirely possible that problems can arise in financial markets
through poor decision making and herd behavior. But such problems
will usually reveal themselves before they grow as large as the
recent Western financial problems. They only grow monstrous if the
government won't allow the fuse to blow.
The anti-market types blame markets without reservation, despite the fact that
--the Federal Reserve, formed by the government, played a central
role in the financial crisis with its insistence on keeping interests
too low for too long.
--Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government-formed institutions that
were given a legally-enforced monopoly over "conforming loans."
Political pressures have distorted the market by pushing money to
borrowers who wouldn't otherwise have received them.
--By bailing out AIG but not Lehman, the government will create
additional financial uncertainty.
The economy will only grow more complex in the future. I find it
disturbing how so many of us still run to Great God Government for
top-down solutions to the intricacies of complex economic systems.
At 02:34 AM 9/18/2008, you wrote:
>If the American people now own 80% of AIG, the world's largest
>insurance company, does that we mean we get to have nationalized
>healthcare now? Or are AIG's customers going to have to continue to
>pay premiums to be eligible to file any claims that will end up
>being paid with their own tax dollars?
>Stuart LaForge
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