[ExI] QT and SR
Mike Dougherty
msd001 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 18:22:30 UTC 2008
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:18 AM, The Avantguardian
<avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> So in effect, repeated observations would not so much "collapse" the wave function as to cause it to evolve in increments toward the final state. So the more boxes he uses to sample the space, the fewer places the particle could be. And when he eventually found it, it would be going a lot faster than it was when he generated it, because it would be confined to the space within the box, removing uncertainty about its position but increasing its momentum.
Sounds suspiciously like the relationships in gas laws.
> Well the rest of your post is something I would hand off to Lee. He is more familar with other universes than I am. I for one don't believe in Platonia any more than I believe in the Langoliers. For me the realm of abstraction is the mind. And in the mind, t1 to t2 can take as long or as short as you want. Don't believe me? Then close your eyes and imagine yourself flying a few laps around Jupiter. I bet it takes you less than a minute even if you pose for pictures over the red spot. How's that for FTL? ;-)
So your realm of abstraction (mind) doesn't have real estate allocated
to Platonia? Seems to me like Platonia the "real" place or the
concept represented by the name is a useful representation of a
collection of ideas that would otherwise require days of email to
restate. I feel it's safe to say that even if my idea of Platonia and
Lee's version are slightly different, that they're still similar
enough to be useful in the context of this conversation.
Anyway, do you also suppose that our imaginings are some fractionally
real experiences? Is it possible from the position you stated above
that people living under "obvious" delusions are in fact living in a
different universe than the rest of us? (I quote obvious because the
nature of what makes delusions obvious or not could easily be called
into question)
Also, how do you suggest that the entity I conceive as myself compared
to the entity that I conceive as you (non-me) are able to experience
the same universe? (within a given definition for experience that a
priori resolves identity and communication issues)
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