[ExI] miscommunication (was: Yet another health care debate)
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Wed Sep 24 00:28:22 UTC 2008
At 04:05 PM 9/23/2008 -0700, Lee wrote:
>'Tis obvious to me the miscommunication here. Obviously when John
>was referring to "those dunces" he meant the "poor, mentally, physically
>disabled, etc.", but Damien merely seized upon the chance to have some
>fun by pretending that John was referring to the *subject* of the previous
>There were no landminds in your post, John.
Godawmighty! What nonsense is this? By taking it literally, I was
pointing out how John Clark's indignant misreading of BillK's post
completely distorted and reversed what BillK had written. I wasn't
*pretending* that this was what John's sentences meant (because he
couldn't be bothered seeing what BillK had actually written). That
*is* what they meant, read by the ordinary rules of English grammar.
Why this misreading of John's? Why Lee's now? It might be worth
exploring that.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if John Clark is just grabbing words at
random as an opportunity for a rant or being playful himself.
I realize that spelling this out is tedious and offensive and
schoolmasterly, and that emails are hasty notes flung off with very
little care taken to make sure we actually convey what we meant. But
the people on this list are smarter than that, and shouldn't need
excuses. The posts from Harvey, for example, or Stathis, or Damien
Sullivan, or Emlyn or BillK (which are also genuinely playful and
delightful) are clear, and responsive to the previous thread rather
than to some madly skewed strawcritter. Lee's are usually fine. Not this time.
Damien Broderick
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