[ExI] [SPACE] People in space, not machine - what gives?

Dagon Gmail dagonweb at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 23:37:07 UTC 2009

Assuming at some time in the future there will be colonies of humans in
space (of
which many people estimate that window of opportunity has come and gone -
only machines will make it in space)  IF humans were to actually settle the
system in big drums, what would people here think...

1- the dynamic of power/empire formation be? Which planet/region would be
most "profitrable"
2- what political systems would fare best
3- what new political systems would emerge
4- what kind of "power projection" would work ?
 (stealth settlements to avoid kinetic bombardments?)
5- aggressive interdependency? Market slavery?
6- can such a solar system be mostly peaceful? Or will it be a mess?
7- does trade make sense (slow tanker vessels?)

Assume AI would be limited (which is very unlikely, but speculating about AI
civilizations in
the solar system, remains a bit pointless) . Likewise, assume
nanofabrication is limited too.
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