[ExI] Mind Uploading article in Wikipedia
benboc at lineone.net
Fri Apr 10 16:21:28 UTC 2009
I want to thank John K Clark for the belly-laugh provoked by this post:
>I want to thank Giulio Prisco, I did not know Wikipedia had an article on
>mind uploading. The article is actually quite good, and it says two things
>that I've been saying for well over a decade. First it says:
>[Mind Uploading] "denies the vitalist view of human life and
>But of course nearly everyone, even most people on this list believe
in the
>vitalist view.
>It then says:
>"The prospect of uploading human consciousness in this manner raises many
>philosophical questions involving identity, individuality and the soul."
>But of course nearly everyone, even most people on this list believe
in the
> John K Clark
but when he says:
>I don't want to insult people by saying that they are too cowardly to
>an idea as far as it will go regardless of whatever strange destination it
>leads to, so I can only conclude that most on this list disagree with my
>basic premise and believe in the ideas behind vitalism and the soul,
even if
>they don't like the particular words very much.
>And it's not just Extropians, my premise is too shocking for Shock Level
>Four also. Sorry if I sound a bit cranky, but that's the way I see it.
>If you could find no reason not to walk into a chamber that will make
a copy
>of your body and then instantly destroy the original then you are one
of the
>very very few that agree with me. Perhaps there are more, but they sure
>haven't spoken up much in the last 15 years.
I feel impelled to say: Don't be downhearted John! There are at least
some other people here who
definitely /don't/ believe in a supernatural (or crypto-supernatural)
soul. I even know of at least one person entirely outside of the usual
transhumanist circles who naturally assumes that they are 'just
information', and see no philosphical problems in uploading.
I think that, although we seem to be evolved to be predisposed to
believe in supernatural explanations, there's a quietly growing minority
of people who could be called 'real' materialists. Like American
Atheists, there may be a lot more of them than anybody suspects.
Ben Zaiboc
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