[ExI] The Evils of the West
natasha at natasha.cc
natasha at natasha.cc
Tue Apr 14 19:09:38 UTC 2009
Well said -- to the both of you.
Quoting Dan <dan_ust at yahoo.com>:
> --- On Tue, 4/14/09, Eschatoon Magic <eschatoon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Why not just "On the world stage,
>> this means trying to help all
>> societies acquire the institutions that deliver the goods",
>> without
>> "Western"?
>> In practice I agree that the Western civilization has
>> produced a lot
>> of good things that should be made available to other
>> civilization.
>> But I do not agree that all that is Western is good, and
>> all that is
>> not Western is bad. Perhaps we also have a few lessons to
>> learn from
>> others.
> I thought two of the quintessential Western traits -- dating back to
> the Ancient Greeks -- were 1) to be self-critical and 2) to learn
> from others. Think of Herodotus and Hippocrates. (To be sure, I
> doubt Westerners had or have a monopoly on these traits. It's
> perhaps more accurate to say these traits tend to be more extreme,
> historically and currently, among those in the West. I grant that
> probably many if not most in the West do not adhere to these traits
> and just sheepish follow whatever fads are current.)
> Regards,
> Dan
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