[ExI] Fwd: [DIYbio-SF] [Invitation] DIYbio Salon @ 83C Wiese @ Sat May 2 2pm – 3pm (DIYbio - San Francisco)
Bryan Bishop
kanzure at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 15:51:02 UTC 2009
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tito Jankowski <titojankowski at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 10:12 AM
Subject: [DIYbio-SF] [Invitation] DIYbio Salon @ 83C Wiese @ Sat May 2
2pm – 3pm (DIYbio - San Francisco)
To: DIYbio - San Francisco <diybio-sf at googlegroups.com>
DIYbio - San Francisco, you are invited to
DIYbio Salon @ 83C Wiese
Sat May 2 2pm – 3pm
(Timezone: Pacific Time)
83C Wiese St, San Francisco, CA (map)
Calendar: DIYbio - San Francisco
Owner/Creator: titojankowski at gmail.com
Artists, musicians, electricians, teachers, revolutionaries, hackers,
Codecon-ers, gardeners, MAKErs, and students -- this is for you. I'm
pleased to invite you to the DIYbio Salon -- a place to learn and
share about biotech in the Bay area.
Our first session will be held on May 2 at Noisebridge
(www.noisebridge.net) in San Francisco.
DIYbio Salon
May 2nd, 2:00-3:00 pm
Noisebridge, 83 C Wiese St.
San Francisco, CA 94103
Google Maps
30 min: What is Do It Yourself biology? What can I do in the Bay Area?
30 min+: Audience presents 10 minute lightning talks -- printouts,
<<10 slides, demos are all excellent
Q&A throughout - this is to get everyone's feet wet. If someone wanted
to get the group up to speed on Arduino, the Noisebridge Cyborg group,
and biofuels projects in the Bay, that would be perfect (please email
me). Feel free to forward this to other mailing lists.
More event details»
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DIYbio.org San Francisco
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- Bryan
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