[ExI] Me again : )

Gina Miller nanogirl at halcyon.com
Wed Aug 26 18:02:15 UTC 2009

Thank you so much Natasha! I really appreciate your support : )

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Natasha Vita-More" <natasha at natasha.cc>
To: "'ExI chat list'" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ExI] Me again : )

> Done!  (Nice work Gina.)
> Nlogo1.tif Natasha Vita-More
> -----Original Message-----
> From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
> [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Gina Miller
> Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 1:21 AM
> To: ExI chat list
> Subject: [ExI] Me again : )
> I'm so excited! My animation has been selected by Hewlett Packard as a 
> semi
> finalist, but to make it as a finalist, I need your votes! You need to be
> registered at youtube (which is free) 
> http://www.youtube.com/create_account
> then make sure you are signed in and go to http://www.youtube.com/hp - (to
> make sure you are signed in look at the very right top corner of this page
> to see your user name.) Then up at the top you will see a row of blue 
> tabs,
> click the "view + vote" tab, you will see my video there among others. I 
> am
> wearing a black dress with my blonde pony tail down the front of me, the
> video is called "Who Am I". Click this picture icon to see my video. It is 
> a
> video about my being a computer animator. After my video pops up you will
> see on the right side of it that there is a thumbs up and a thumbs down,
> thumbs up is what you want to click to give me your vote. You are allowed 
> to
> vote one time a day, all the way through (and including) Sunday. However 
> you
> are not allowed to vote more than once a day as it is against the rules. 
> But
> please feel free to spread the word to your friends and family as every 
> vote
> counts! The prize is 40 thousand dollars and considering my current
> financial situation you can imagine this would be a wonderful prize 
> indeed.
> Please vote for me every day and I thank you so kindly for it. Thank you,
> thank you, thank you so very much!!! I appreciate my fellow extropians
> always supporting me lo these many years. Yours, Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
> Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
> Nanotechnology Industries
> http://www.nanoindustries.com
> Personal: http://www.nanogirl.com
> Animation Blog: http://maxanimation.blogspot.com/ Craft blog:
> http://nanogirlblog.blogspot.com/ Foresight Senior Associate
> http://www.foresight.org
> Email: nanogirl at halcyon.com
> "Nanotechnology: Solutions for the future."
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