[ExI] pat condell's latest subtle rant

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Dec 5 06:11:34 UTC 2009


>...On Behalf Of Max More
> Subject: Re: [ExI] pat condell's latest subtle rant
> Regarding:
> Aggressive Atheism, by Pat Condell
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjO4duhMRZk
> ...
> For instance: My half-brother, who I just learned has been 
> diagnosed with serious cancer...

Owww, so sorry to hear that Max, do pass along our best wishes for success
to him in the struggle he has coming.

> has asked me to read a novel 
> that I see is extremely popular among the religious 
> (Christian in particular): The Shack.
> Am I a just a weak fool to do this?...

No.  Take care of your family first.  That task is more important than being
right, sir.  Let your pride take the hit, read the book, discuss it with
your brother, let him know you are cheering for him and hoping for his full
recovery, do all you can to lend aid and comfort to him.  No one will think
less of you, and in the long run you will not think less of you.

> Is Condell's attitude and 
> approach always useful/appropriate/effective/wise? Max

Wrong question.  Pat Condell is a comedian.  Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Jon
Stewart, Michael Moore, all these guys are comedians, all playing a role.
They have a message, but their job is to entertain, and their act is to
sort-of pretend to be serious, a little like our WWE rassling shows.  If one
doesn't find one brand of political humor funny, there are plenty of other
clowns in this well-connected world, all across the political spectrum.  

If I am in the mood for it, I find Condell very funny, and Michael Moore's
first movie "Roger and Me" is hilarious.

Check out Time magazine running a quasi-serious cover story on Glenn Beck.
Or were they playing along with his act?  I wonder if the Time magazine
people think rassling is real?


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