[ExI] Who is Ayn Rand?

ddraig ddraig at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 08:21:39 UTC 2009

2009/12/4 Robert Masters <rob4332000 at yahoo.com>:

>  Alice really went a long way from that day she told her philosophy professor
>  she would rank among Aristotle and Plato.  She actually became AYN.  But
>  the crucial question is EXACTLY what went on in that incestuous Jewish ritual.
>  Did it include anal penetration? Sub/dom? Rape?  Pissing?  Shitting?
> The public has a right to know.

No it does not, this is just voyeurism, and it's disgusting.

> Nathaniel Branden has admitted that they had sex, but stopped
> short of a full confession.  That won't do.  After all, he was the one
> who chose to reveal the "affair" as a justification for his own actions.
> What were the DETAILS of the affair?

Why do you care? How on earth is it relevant?

   ddraig at pobox.com irc.deoxy.org #chat
our aim is wakefulness,  our enemy is dreamless sleep

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