[ExI] Tolerance

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Dec 10 04:14:35 UTC 2009


> ...On Behalf Of Emlyn
> ...
> But, you know, if you want to show off your bank balance, you 
> could just email people a copy of your bank statement...

Oh MAN why didn't we think of that sooner!  That is a GREAT idea!

I agree with your comments in this post about the disconnect between
consumer spending and productivity.

> Shopping isn't productivity. Caring is something that doesn't 
> have much of a monetary component. Gifts are nice though.
> --
> Emlyn

My wife's brothers and their wives started a little birthday tradition a
bunch of years ago where everyone was getting the number of dollars to match
the number of their birthday.  The problem is that the youngest was
continually on the losing end of that deal.  Somewhere along the line we
started failing to cash the checks.  So these never-cashed birthday checks
kited around in the mail for several years, but that made everyone's bank
statements mismatch, so then someone came up with the idea of using Monopoly
money.  The play money has been crossing the country for about the past ten
years or so.  I want to now change that to using Zimbabwe billion dollar
bills in the age appropriate quantities.  Lotsa fun, very little actual


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