[ExI] Tolerance
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Thu Dec 10 17:24:23 UTC 2009
On 12/10/2009 10:52 AM, Post Futurist wrote:
> *Don't you think you might have one foot planted in religious tradition,
> and one foot in atheism or agnosticism?*
One huge problem with this rather disjointed thread is the confusion
between "religion" and "belief in a god or gods". An atheist, just from
the derivation of the word, is a person who has no belief in deity. But
of course there are many godless religions. Animist religions seem to
have no gods, per se, but see the world as suffused with and shaped by
personified forces and passions. The Australian aboriginal Dreaming is a
vast ancient integral cosmology in which the seasonal landscape and its
inhabitants are representations of volitional Ancestors; there's nothing
remotely like an Abrahamic God--but it would seem absurd not to call
this all-encompassing worldview "religious." In our dominant cultures
the religious impulse happens to be hopelessly confounded with notions
of a rewarding and punishing god, but it can probably be disentangled in
such a way that an honest atheist can participate without compromise in
religious celebrations, holidays, etc, or come up with some of our own.
Not easily, though, if the conventionally religious insist that their
theistic activities of worship and petition are mandatory.
Damien Broderick
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