[ExI] The symbol grounding problem in strong AI

John Clark jonkc at bellsouth.net
Sun Dec 13 17:24:54 UTC 2009

On Dec 13, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Gordon Swobe wrote:

> Does a piece of paper understand the words written on it? Does a shopping list understand the meaning of "bread" and "milk"? If you think it does not -- if you think the understanding of symbols (semantics) takes place only in conscious minds -- then you agree with Searle and most people.

I don't know how to read the holes in obsolete punch cards, they are completely meaningless to me and you too probably, but they have meaning to a vacuum tube based 1950's punch card reading machine; you cannot deny it can put those cards in a meaningful order.

Incidentally why do you suppose Searle didn't replace the little man with one of those punch card reading machines? It could certainly do a better job than a real flesh and blood human, so why not use it? I'll tell you why, because then his deception would be less effective and his magic trick of making consciousness disappear would not have worked.

 John K Clark

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