[ExI] Scientists Behaving Badly

Alfio Puglisi alfio.puglisi at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 18:35:21 UTC 2009

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 6:56 PM, <moulton at moulton.com> wrote:

> So for example how about reading the article that Max referenced and
> criticizing it based on its content not on the website on which it is
> published.

Sure, some samples of the general tone:

"...the air has been going out of the global warming balloon."
"As tempting as it is to indulge in Schadenfreude over the richly deserved
travails of a gang that has heaped endless calumny on dissenting

If this is "one of the best", I wonder what the worst ones may say.

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