[ExI] Sick of Cyberspace?
Eugen Leitl
eugen at leitl.org
Fri Dec 18 07:43:47 UTC 2009
On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 05:42:01PM -0500, natasha at natasha.cc wrote:
> Are we totally locked into cybernetics for evolution? I thought this
> next era was to be about chemistry rather than machines.
The both are not necessarily disparate. Enzymes are molecular
machines doing chemistry, and machine-phase is basically numerically
controlled chemistry. Or nanoscale 3d rapid prototyping.
It is really just about human classification, there is no
fundamental boundary where chemistry stops and physics starts.
> Does anyone have thoughts on how chemistry might be another venue for
> personal existence/communication/transportation, etc? (I don't mean
> through mind altering psychedelics.)
Nothing wrong with these.
Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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