[ExI] Scientists Behaving Badly

Lee Corbin lcorbin at rawbw.com
Sat Dec 19 20:47:30 UTC 2009

BillK wrote:
> Cartoon:
> 'What if it's a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing'?
> <http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_itPEoTvu3wg/Syo-gKFiYlI/AAAAAAAABFw/r5cxmHDAjaE/s1600-h/091207usatC.slideshow_main.prod_affiliate.91.jpg>

That's quite a nice list of benefits from fighting global warming:

1  energy independence
2  preserve rainforests
3  sustainability
4  green jobs
5  liviable cities  (they're not quite livable, today, it seems)
6  renewables
7  clean water, air
8  healthy children, etc., etc.

Yes, what if it's a big hoax and we create a better
world FOR NOTHING. "For nothing"??

Well, not exactly for nothing. One thing really ought
to be added to that list:

9  economic collapse


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