[ExI] time to devour the dog
Giulio Prisco (2nd email)
eschatoon at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 06:02:53 UTC 2009
I recommend that the authors estimate their own carbon footprint,
compare it to that of a dog or a rabbit, then apply the logic of the
article to themselves and draw the appropriate conclusions.
2009/12/21 spike <spike66 at att.net>:
> Who knew? A dog is worse than an SUV:
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20091220/sc_afp/lifestyleclimatewarminganimalsfood;_ylt=AujXbeP6jnj13L53lJiX7iGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTQ4YXZnZDQyBGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDA5MTIyMC9saWZlc3R5bGVjbGltYXRld2FybWluZ2FuaW1hbHNmb29kBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDMTAEcG9zAzcEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNwb2xsdXRpbmdwZXQ
> spike
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Giulio Prisco
aka Eschatoon Magic
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