[ExI] atheism msg 7 Dec 23
ankara at tbaytel.net
ankara at tbaytel.net
Sat Dec 26 15:52:58 UTC 2009
In Message: 7, Post Futurist <p0stfuturist at yahoo.com> writes:
> Sure, harm in a relative sense, and personally I despise
> fundamentalists; yet are most faiths fundamentalist in first-world
> nations? Not anymore.
There are plenty of robust religionists (read - male supremacists)
residing in North America, see for example:
"Quiverfull: Inside the Christi… " by Kathryn Joyce
> This list consists of people living primarily in America and the
> UK. Are most religious orgs, save for in the Deep South, fascistic
> today? no. And what number on this list have been denied the
> opportunity to have abortions? not many.
Abortion may be legal but that doesn't make it accessible. Child
protection agencies freely traffic in children and harvest newborns
from vulnerable (socially or economically oppressed) girls.
See for example:
Sexual assault / sexploitation are crimes yet access to justice,
assistance and visibility are almost impossible. The victims are
blamed. The perps are not pathologized. See for example:
> Some extropians in Old Blighty can tell us about the Church of
> England. If anything, the Anglican Church is a harmless, silly tax
> exempt business.
The Anglican & United Church and others are responsible for human
suffering and degradation, sexual exploitation... to mention only the
tip of a corrupt and dirty iceberg. Of course these crimes against
humanity may pale in comparison to the Catholic Church's dirty
laundry. See:
> In America there is a sizable minority of would-be fascists, but no
> more than there are social fascist govt. employees, Commies, Cosa
> Nostra-types, etc.
WTF? We were discussing harm - direct harm initiated and inflicted
via male supremacy. In order to Identify the perps, we need only look
for its beneficiaries.
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