[ExI] Greed + Incompetence + A Beliefin MarketEfficiency =Disaster

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Feb 1 18:38:56 UTC 2009

> > Why a four or five seat car to mostly transport a single person?
> Because this is how the buyers want it...

Ja, and because states require each car to be licensed separately, as
opposed to having a universal license for each driver.  This puts market
pressure on drivers to have only one car, or to minimize the number of cars,
which then causes pressure to buy a single car that can:

	- carry carry several people 
	- tow a boat or trailer 
	- tolerate the rough roads 
		* result of the state government neglecting to repair
		* in order to encourage the proletariat to pass tax
		* to repair the potholes
		* which the government then robs for something else
		* allowing road repair bills to be added to the next
election cycle
		* rinse and repeat 

> I wrote about government interfering with the markets?... Mirco

The tax structure (in every one of the fifty damn states!) discourages the
proletariat from having at least two cars: one do-it-all very inefficient,
seldom used car, and one single-seat super small super light, slow but
extremely efficient ape hauler.

A person can drive only one car at a time.  I propose a license fee on
drivers, not on individual cars.


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