[ExI] ZPE energy claims

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Fri Feb 6 04:27:17 UTC 2009


This is not instantly dismissible.

< One proposed device would generate up to 21.5 kilowatts of heat 
from sugar cube sized device. The heat would need to be captured and 
converted to electricity. Micro-gap thermal photovoltaics could match 
up well for this application to convert 50% or more of the heat to 

The patent is based primarily on the published works of Hal Puthoff 
over the past two decades.

Bernard Haisch, who is a co-inventor and President of the company, is 
quick to point out that this is all purely speculative at this point 
and that they have not yet been able to prove anything in the 
laboratory. The sporadic signals they have seen can't be ruled out as 
experimental error. That said, the model is still "well worth pursuing".

It is a "high risk / high gain" venture, he said, wanting to avoid 
the common mistake of overselling and underdelivering.

They are presently (as of Feb. 4, 2009) looking for major funding of 
around $10 million to carry out more sophisticated testing. >

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