[ExI] Belief in Market Efficiency

Stathis Papaioannou stathisp at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 13:20:11 UTC 2009

2009/2/8 painlord2k at libero.it <painlord2k at libero.it>:

> They usually fall for the politicians that offer "stimulus packages",
> "social wages" and other gifts from the public treasury. They never think
> that the governments is not Jusus Christ and is not able to multiply Bread
> and Fishes with its will only.
> It is easier fall for someone that promise an immediate monetary help or
> imaginary "social security" that be convinced to do hard work for themselves
> and their families. But we need to say that public schools are good to teach
> this ethos on young minds. Probably the only thing they are really good.
> Panen et Circensem (if I remember the latin phrase correctly) work better in
> the short term that hard work for you and your family. In the long term the
> politicos will find a scapegoat or will be already out of power.

But the simplest and most attractive thing to offer the population,
assuming they are greedy and economically ignorant, is increased
government spending and handouts (to the rich and middle class as well
as the poor: why limit your scope?) with reduced or nil taxation. This
recipe is rarely offered, as politicians feel the voters will see
through it, implying that the voters are not assumed to be completely
selfish and short-sighted idiots. Thus, the argument that people only
vote in favour of continuing taxation because they are selfish and
short-sighted idiots is shown to be flawed.

Stathis Papaioannou

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