[ExI] Belief in Market Efficiency

painlord2k at libero.it painlord2k at libero.it
Mon Feb 9 01:34:17 UTC 2009

Il 08/02/2009 12.39, Stathis Papaioannou ha scritto:

> Obviously it's facile to maintain that everything in a (nominal)
> democracy has been put to the vote, therefore it must be OK. But I was
> pointing out that there is this possible arrangement whereby I might
> vote to have myself forcibly taxed, on the condition that everyone
> else is also forcibly taxed. This is a voluntary contract despite the
> fact that I may be coerced, since I am agreeing to be coerced. On the
> other hand, if we allow anyone who doesn't agree to the contract to
> opt out of it then it would never work: even if all the voters were
> willing to be taxed if everyone else was also taxed, all might decline
> to be taxed if by so doing they could opt out of the tax.

If they pay not taxes, but pay for services offered, they will be able 
to opt out and not receive the service.
Taxes are not a contract, because I can not sue the government for not 
providing a service. The government will not let me do it and don't 
accept to be tried by an impartial judge under impartial laws.
Try to sue the government because the police don't protect you (even in 
clear and present danger) if you don't believe me.


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