[ExI] H+ & religion call for papers

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Tue Feb 24 08:07:15 UTC 2009

At 08:25 AM 2/24/2009 +0100, G. wrote:

>I agree with Max ...: "it's a mistake to reflexively attack
>everything that might be labeled as religion"

It might be a pragmatic mistake, like speaking up for serious gun 
control in Texas or on this list. As I recall, my own immune reaction 
kicked in when I saw the (perhaps unconsciously) weighted words used, 
with their implication that >H functions in the same way as 
religions--"identify and critically evaluate the implicit religious 
beliefs underlying key transhumanist claims and assumptions"-- and 
that >H should be analyzed as if it were a sect offering salvation 
and Divine Judgment after death ("soteriology, and eschatology"). 
Professor Mercer now tells us that this isn't so, but I'll be very 
surprised if the center of gravity of the discourse isn't off in that 

Damien Broderick

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