[ExI] I don't understand students: help !

Anna Taylor femmechakra at yahoo.ca
Sat Jan 3 02:17:58 UTC 2009

Bryan Bishop wrote Sat Dec 20 02:29:24 UTC 2008:

>>There have been many proposals on this list and in the past from other
>>sources for all sorts of community learning centers, libraries to get
>>more involved in new forms of archiving information to be displayed to
>>youngsters, fablabs as a truly humanitarian education (*do* stuff,
>>act, that sort of thing), etc. I also think this falls in line with
>>some of the proposals regarding switching over to teachers competing
>>for specific students, which our Hungarian list subscribers might be
>>able to comment more on (m1n3r?).

I wrote On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Anna Taylor <femmechakra at yahoo.ca> 

>Really? What happens to the social aspect of it? Students today as I see >them are not very sociable and you want to make computers more unclosed >in a 4 wall room? Doesn't that make it more secluded? How are are people >supposed to learn if not surrounded by different people?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a strong supporter of self-education with the use of technology and I don't see anything wrong with scholars searching for specific students threw the use of technology. I wonder about the idea of technology alienating children.  How a computer can become more familiar than another human being?  Is this what I would teach my child if I wanted to bear children?  Imho...It's one thing to look at it from the point of single/married as opposed to looking at the point of view of family, I'm just curious to get some point of views.


PS As I recently just started again to teach young children in public schools how to dance and have to admit the experience wasn't on my top ten list, I am simply asking for advice.

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