[ExI] I don't understand students: help !

Tamás Pardy m1n3r2 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 18:27:37 UTC 2009

On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 3:29 AM, Bryan Bishop <kanzure at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Anna Taylor <femmechakra at yahoo.ca> wrote:

> some of the proposals regarding switching over to teachers competing
> for specific students, which our Hungarian list subscribers might be
> able to comment more on (m1n3r?).

Eh, I'd be glad to, but exactly what aspect of it are you interested in?

/* WARNING! personal opinion, might be valuable
As for convergence towards Europe, Hungary has succeeded in
establishing the two-level final exams (ordinary, advanced=ordinary
before the 90's as some professors say:) and the infamous BSc, MSc,
Phd degrees (well, people who have higher education with the age of
>40 tend to dislike this system and would rather recall undivided
university education). I'm not sure that the lack of extensive lexical
knowledge is bad. I admit I always hated analysing poems and slept
through literature lessons but I do read books and now find pleasure
in writing as well. But even if they always kicked me in the back I
wouldn't like poetry. Making it possible for students at high school
(after the age of, say 16) to select towards which direction they want
to move is truly a viable solution. It is hard to decide which
knowledge is, or is not useful. One thing, however, seems most sad to
me. It is that we, students of sciences know a lot about national and
foreign literature and some of us are truly good at Hungarian grammar.
People at the arts faculty, however, don't give a damn to mathematics,
physics, chemistry and usually only survive at high school. I'm not a
fan of maths and physics, but it is definitely necessary to learn
sciences to have a healthy view of the world around us. Well, to sum
up, all comes down to exigency. This is something that has to be, to
use a word from programming, implemented:) And if parents are
unwilling to teach their children how to be diligent, who will? The
state? Come now, it's not socialism anymore=D
end of personal opinion*/

//Note: I'm not around the list most of the times (exams...), only
have a glimpse on it sometimes.


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