[ExI] What's in a transhumanist name? (was: YES! to Transhumanism)

samantha sjatkins at mac.com
Tue Jan 6 05:44:14 UTC 2009

BillK wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Anne Corwin wrote:
>> That said, I can definitely concur that actual engineering is absolutely nothing like imaginary
>> engineering.
>> On the other hand, my level 55 undead mage engineer is able to build mechanical chickens
>> via literal (if digital) hand-waving, in seconds flat, on the mere whim of her human controller
>> (i.e., me). In that imaginary universe, everything comes out neat and as-intended, with no
>> approvals to obtain, no forms to get signed, no committees to consult, no time charging
>> numbers to worry about -- not to mention the fact that you get some of your raw engineering
>> materials by beating up your enemies and looting their bodies.
>> Is it fun? Absolutely. Is it anything like actual engineering? Not in a gazillion years.

In startups it is generally a lot more fun (and scary as hell).

> Always remember, Dilbert is a "real" engineer.

Delightful!  All too true.

- samantha

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