[ExI] why not start up a Mexico based cryonics company?

PJ Manney pjmanney at gmail.com
Wed Jan 14 23:54:04 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:50 AM, <jay.dugger at gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. I do not think Mexico sufficently stable for a such a long-term project.
> 2. What laws apply to importing human remains to Mexico?
> 3. What legal status will cryo-preserved remains have in Mexico? Will
> they count as anatomical gifts?


4.  The cryo-preserved are the most convenient kidnap hostages
imaginable.  After you receive a badly thawed finger by courier,
they'll demand, "Pay us the ransom or we pull the plug!" or if you'd
prefer, "Electricity?!  We don't need no stinkin' electricity!"

I'd sooner put the cryo-preserved in a blender and hit "puree".


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