[ExI] Charity

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Thu Jul 23 20:08:59 UTC 2009

Dan ha scritto:
> --- On Mon, 7/20/09, Stathis Papaioannou <stathisp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2009/7/20 Mirco Romanato <painlord2k at libero.it>:
>>>> Charity is fickle and demeaning, although better than nothing.
>>> Charity is fickle mainly because don't give blindly to anyone
>>> asking without minding at the real needs.
>> Actually, the government can and does do means tests, while 
>> charities can't or don't want to and don't.
> Nothing prevents charities from doing so -- save legal restrictions.
> And I'm not sure they don't when it's possible.

I know a charity in France that give out hot meals to poor people in
fall and winter. They cook a supper with pork inside and they write the
ingredients so people can see what they will eat and decide if they want
the supper or not.
Doing so prevent them from feeding a know group of people without
denying a supper to anyone that would ask for it.

Any single person can be, and sometimes is, a private charity. So
telling that a private charity never test, don't want test and can not
test is out of reality.
This is true for private charities of one person and for private
charities of many person; until the main aim is to give charity to
people in need.
Sometime the charity become a vessel to put money in the pockets of the
people running it, and the donations collected are misused. But, as soon
as this become of public domain, donations plummet.

The same is not possible with the welfare paid by taxes.


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