[ExI] On the Street and On Facebook: The Homeless Stay Wired
emlynoregan at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 05:00:33 UTC 2009
2009/6/1 Damien Broderick <thespike at satx.rr.com>:
> At 05:50 PM 5/31/2009 +1000, RL wrote:
>> Sure, I hear 'Internet Access' is right next to food, clothing and bedding
>> on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
> Did you actually bother to read the WSJ article JG url'd? Maslow would have
> had no trouble understanding this:
> <When he realized he would be homeless, Mr. Livingston bought a sturdy
> backpack to store his gear, a padlock for his footlocker at the shelter and
> a $25 annual premium Flickr account to display the digital photos he takes.
> One recent morning, Mr. Livingston sat in a cafe that sometimes lets
> customers tap its wireless connection, and shows off his personal home page,
> featuring links for Chinese-language lessons.
> Mr. Livingston says his computer helps him feel more connected and human.
> "It's frightening to be homeless," he says. "When I'm on here, I'm equal to
> everybody else.">
> Damien Broderick
I'm in the middle of reading Walden at the moment. I wonder if
contemporary Thoreau would have added "Net Access" to his list of
essentials (food, shelter, clothing, fuel)? I'm unsure, but I think he
would have had a strong opinion one way or the other. The man liked to
rant, and what beautiful rants they are.
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